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- gakuazuma
Gaku Azuma, who was born in Kyoto on December 9, 1963, is an artist who so adroitly controls his brushes and ink, it is as if he were drawing his exquisitely beautiful imagery of life in the universe with thin strands of thread. He is also a maverick art director who has produced numerous poster designs in Japan’s stage industry. Currently, he has collaborated with more than 180 models and has created about 250 works. He is a member of 188 corporation. Having a Japanese fan painter, Shoso Azuma, as his father, he was around Japanese brushes and * traditional ink paintings from an early age. And in creating his works, he paints with brushes and Japanese ink in a style he calls bokuga, a style variatiion that has grown out of his knowledge and skill in painting in traditional Japanese styles and one made possible because of his immense artistic talent, an innate talent that has run in his family for generations. Azuma’s work has always been focused on the theme of women. When he was 14 years old, Azuma went to the United States to study. At the age of 17, during his stay, he painted an art piece called “The French Doll”. This art piece is permanently housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In 2003, he painted Japanese traditional courtesans on the wall of a Japanese restaurant in New York. He has attracted a lot of fans since then. In 2007, his first bokuga book “Tenyo” was published from PARCO publishing. In 2014, he presented a live bokuga performance in collaboration with a renowned Kabuki performer Ainosuke Kataoka, which made a great impact on the art scene. In 2015, he shifted his canvases from paper to women’s bodies, and began using a new style of art he calls hadae, a style characterized by, among other things, disappearing overnight. His avant-garde sensibility as an art director and his traditional aesthetic sense have come together in the birth and culmination of his new and great art styles, bokuga and hadae. Books: Gaku Azuma bokuga book “Tenyo”(PARCO publishing) Gaku Azuma bokuga book “Tenyo”(188) “Paroman Porn Poster Collection”(188) POPでセクシーな女の子、美しく官能的な花、おどろおどろしい骸骨・・・。 Gaku Azumaが手がけるアートワークをもっと身近に。身につけたら、毎日が楽しくなるような、ちょっとしたスパイスのような存在でありたい。 そんな思いから、Gaku Azumaが生み出すエネルギッシュな作品でたくさんのアイテムを作りました。 Tシャツなど、気軽に取り入れやすいグッズから、圧倒的オーラを放つ、手描き1点ものまで、さまざまなアイテムをご用意しています。